We chem do better

Who are we?
Our vision
Our values

Who are we?

Who are we?

The modern world depends on chemical industry. We know it very well as we do chem for years.

Qemetica, a leading European chemical industry company, is an important element of production chains in the economy. Our products are essential in key industries of the modern economy and present on every continent around the world.

We invested nearly EUR 1.5 billion over the last 10 years in development in Poland and abroad, including building Europe's most modern saltworks from scratch. 

We combine a modern approach to business with a focus on sustainability. We are pursuing an ambitious ESG strategy and want to be climate neutral in 2040. 


Our vision

Our vision

We operate globally and bravely look into the future, which demands a better chemical industry. That is why we are redefining it to be sustainable, people-friendly and more competitive.

Our values

Our values

Values form the foundation of our company and guide our daily operations. We honour our commitments and care about the quality of our products and the services we provide to our customers. The safety of our co-workers and the environment is our top priority. We work together in a spirit of open communication, respecting the diversity within our team, which inspires us to continuously develop and seek innovative solutions. We are committed and passionate about continuously improving our standards and achieving ever higher goals.


  • Soda
  • Salt
  • Agro solutions
  • Polyurethane foams
  • Silicates
  • Glass


We are the only manufacturer of soda ash in Poland and the second largest in the European Union. More than half of the soda ash we manufacture is used in the glass industry. We also manufacture high-quality baking soda, which is used in, among others, the pharmaceutical and food industries. The soda business comprises three plants: two in Poland and one in Germany. 

Qemetica Group revenue share:
Continents to which our soda goes:
Europe, Africa
Employees within the Business:
approx. 1600


We are the largest manufacturer of evaporated salt in Poland and one of the largest in Europe. Our product range includes Kujawska Salt, salt granulate and salt licks for livestock. With two plants, in Poland and Germany, we are also a leading manufacturer of salt tablets for water treatment systems.

Qemetica Group revenue share:
Continents to which our salt goes:
Employees within the Business:
approx. 350
Agro solutions

Agro solutions

For over 60 years, we have been developing and manufacturing plant protection products that enable farmers to achieve the highest possible yields. Our products are recognised in Europe, North and South America, Asia, Africa and Australia. We have branches in Spain, Romania and in Poland, where our plant is located.

Qemetica Group revenue share:
Continents to which our Agro solutions go:
Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa
Employees within the Business:
approx. 350
Polyurethane foams

Polyurethane foams

We are one of the largest manufacturers of flexible foam in Poland. We manufacture the highest quality PUR foams used in the production of upholstered furniture. We also manufacture SNOOVIO sleeping mattresses made from hypoallergenic material. Our products are ISCC Plus certified, which confirms that the raw materials we use in manufacture come from sustainable sources.

Qemetica Group revenue share:
Continents to which our polyurethane foams go:
Employees within the Business:
ok. 100


We are the largest supplier and third largest manufacturer of sodium silicate in Europe. We specialise in the manufacture of high quality sodium and potassium silicates, both in solid and liquid form, successively developing their sales to the domestic as well as global markets.

Qemetica Group revenue share:
Continents to which our silicates go:
Europe, Asia, North America
Employees within the Business:
approx. 100


We are the largest Polish manufacturer of glass lanterns for candles and the only Polish manufacturer of Comfort jars - with a convenient fastening clasp. We have been producing glass packaging for nearly 80 years, taking care of the sustainability of manufacture and continuous development.

Qemetica Group revenue share:
Continents to which our glass goes:
Employees within the Business:
approx. 200


We combine a modern approach to business with a focus on sustainability. 

Our focus is on providing the world with sustainably manufactured chemistry and innovative solutions to the challenges of today's industry.

We reimagine
for the sustainable
Care for Planet
Care for Planet

Care for Planet

  • We are reducing CO2 emissions - we want to reduce them by 63% by 2033 (SCOPE 1 and 2 compared to 2019)
  • We want to achieve zero carbon in 2040
  • We are managing the environmental footprint of the product
  • We are reducing packaging waste - we want to reduce it by 20% by 2025 (compared to 2019)
Care for People
Care for People

Care for People

  • We want to achieve the goal of "zero accidents" in OHS
  • We are building a human-centric company culture
  • We are implementing the "Good Neighbour" programme, which supports local initiatives and open dialogue with the community 
Dare to Change
Dare to Change

Dare to Change

  • We are creating shared value by integrating ESG objectives with our customers
  • We are managing a sustainable value chain through supplier engagement
  • We are conducting transparent ESG reporting on our performance and strategic targets

We are actively involved in global efforts to deal with climate change and we have set ourselves ambitious goals.

packaging waste by 2025
CO2 emissions by 2033 (Scope 1 and 2; compared to 2019)
Net Zero
by 2040


CIECH, and soon Qemetica, wants to reduce CO2 by 63% by 2033 – a new goal approved by the SBTi

CIECH, and soon Qemetica, wants to reduce CO2 by 63% by 2033 – a new goal approved by the SBTi


CIECH – and as of June Qemetica - has committed to reducing CO2 emissions from Scope 1 and Scope 2 by 63% by 2033 relative to the base year 2019, and has been successfully validated in the Science Based Targets (SBTi), an initiative supporting companies in setting their climate goals based on established scientific knowledge. The Group confirmed its goal in the SBTi as one of the first large industrial companies in Poland.

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CIECH Group will change its name to Qemetica in June.

CIECH Group will change its name to Qemetica in June.


In June, the name of the Qemetica Group companies will change. The abbreviation Qemetica will be replaced by the new name: Qemetica. The planned change is a further consistent step in the Group's chemical transformation after the investment holding Kulczyk Investments became a strategic investor 10 years ago, as well as a direct consequence of Kulczyk Investments taking full control of the Group and completing its listing on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in March this year. At the same time, Qemetica has set strategic goals for the next 6 years which, in addition to growth in financial performance, include the implementation of ambitious ESG-related plans, including a 45 percent reduction in CO2 emissions by 2029. Each of the group's seven businesses - Soda, Salt, Agro, Foams, Silicates, Packaging and Cargo - has specific business goals for 6 years.

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Announcement about the submission of an application to the Polish Financial Supervision Authority for permission to withdraw CIECH S.A. shares from trading on the regulated market operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange

Announcement about the submission of an application to the Polish Financial Supervision Authority for permission to withdraw CIECH S.A. shares from trading on the regulated market operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange


The Management Board of Qemetica S.A. informs that on November 24, 2023 the Company filed application to the Financial Supervision Authority for permission to withdraw Qemetica S.A. shares from trading on the regulated market operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange ("WSE"), pursuant to Article 91 Section 1 of the Act of July 29, 2005 on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organized Trading and Public Companies.

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CIECH Soda Polska invests millions of zlotys in the development of modern technologies and supporting its local community

CIECH Soda Polska invests millions of zlotys in the development of modern technologies and supporting its local community


Qemetica Soda Polska - one of the largest producers of dense and light soda ash (sodium carbonate) in Europe - is to allocate nearly PLN 300 million in 2023 to implement its multi-year programme for the transformation of the Qemetica Group's soda business, including numerous investments in improving the energy and process efficiency of its Inowrocław and Janikowo soda plants. Despite the scale of the challenges involved, the company does not forget about the local community and has been gradually increasing its involvement in its life for several years. Currently, applications are being accepted under the first edition of the Social Initiatives Support Fund, founded, among others, by Qemetica Soda Polska. The company - together with EEW - wants to allocate PLN 6 million over the next six years to finance ideas that are valuable to the local community.

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After three quarters of 2023, CIECH’s results under pressure of the global economic situation challenges. The Group’s salt business boosts revenues

After three quarters of 2023, CIECH’s results under pressure of the global economic situation challenges. The Group’s salt business boosts revenues


After nine months of 2023, the Qemetica Group generated PLN 34 million in net profit on continuing operations, i.e. 85% less than in the same period of 2022. Adjusted EBITDA decreased by 17% - to PLN 551 million year on year. The Group is achieving the best possible financial results in the continuing difficult conditions of weakened global economic situation. Due to, among others, the growing importance of the modern evaporated salt plant in Stassfurt, Germany, the Salt business improved its revenues by almost half - to PLN 376 million (from PLN 255 million, an increase of 47% year on year). Thanks to this, the Group maintained the results of the key Soda segment (Soda and Salt businesses), which generated PLN 457 million of EBITDA compared to PLN 476 million in the same period last year. Compared to last year, the economic situation in the markets where the Qemetica Group operates remains unfavourable. However, the Group actively responds to any market challenges, focusing on generating cash flows and optimising its investment expenses. The Group’s individual businesses are reducing their fixed costs while continuing key investments to ensure their development and competitiveness as well as the implementation of the ESG Strategy goals.

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Join us!

WE CARE, that is why
we do what is right, we work
together and reach for more. 


We are an employer of more than 3,500 people. Our production sites include Inowrocław, Nowa Sarzyna, Iłowa and Stassfurt. Learn more about what we can do for you.

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We chem do better

Learn more about Qemetica. Find out how our solutions, products or entire companies define the answer to the challenges of the future. Discover how we create and implement innovative ideas that change the way we work and think. Find out where Qemetica makes products that build the world around us and see where you can find them near you.


Activity in the start-up market

We build world around us

ISCC Plus, which means greener polyurethanes

Smart Fluid

European chemical producer

Sodium Bicarbonate for medical sector

CO2 reversal



An innovative non-selective herbicide developed for effective weed control. The patented BGT technology, increases the uptake of the active ingredient by the plants, while reducing the amount of active ingredient applied, thus contributing to the idea of sustainable agriculture. Halvetic® is the perfect solution for farmers around the world.

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Activity in the start-up market

Activity in the start-up market

Through a dedicated company, we partner with ambitious start-ups in the areas of chemistry, sustainable industry and agriculture, offering investments, business partnerships and pilots. We are looking for technologies that will not only increase the efficiency and competitiveness of our businesses, but also open the way to completely new business ventures for Qemetica in the future. 

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Activity in the start-up market

We build world around us

We build world around us

Find out how the products we supply are used in your everyday life in a wide variety of ways. You will find them in cleaning products, construction and home furnishing materials or plant protection products - what we produce builds the world around us. Find out where you can find the products offered by Qemetica in final applications.

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We build world around us

ISCC Plus, which means greener polyurethanes

ISCC Plus, which means greener polyurethanes

Our PUR foams were the first in Poland to be awarded the prestigious ISCC Plus (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification) certificate. It acknowledges our commitment to environmental manufacturing standards, including the reduction of petroleum-based raw materials in favour of renewable sources and recycling. As a result, our products are not only innovative but also environmentally friendly, underlining our position as a leading supplier to the furniture industry.

ISCC Plus, which means greener polyurethanes

Smart Fluid

Smart Fluid

Smart Fluid is a company using cutting-edge protective material technology based on shear thickened fluids (STF). Smart Fluid's products are a breakthrough ingredient for manufacturers of protective equipment (especially with military applications) sports accessories and industry, offering an innovative approach to technological solutions known for years. 

Smart Fluid

European chemical producer

European chemical producer

Qemetica comprises six business lines and nine production plants in Poland, Germany, and Romania. This includes three soda factories, two saltworks, one silicate production plant, one glass production plant, one polyurethane foam plant, and one plant protection products facility. The geographical expansion of the Agro business has resulted in distribution companies: Proplan, acquired in 2018 (now Qemetica Agricultural Solutions Spain), and a new distribution company in Romania (now Qemetica Agricultural Solutions Romania).

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European chemical producer

Sodium Bicarbonate for medical sector

Sodium Bicarbonate for medical sector

We produce high-purity baking soda, meeting the latest requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia and the United States Pharmacopoeia. Our healthcare segment comprises two main applications: pharmaceutical baking soda, used, among other things, as an excipient in pharmaceutical preparations, and specially purified soda with strictly defined granulometric parameters for haemodialysis (HD) treatments. We produce the soda for both types of dialysis applications: for solution preparation and as a component of cartridges.

Sodium Bicarbonate for medical sector

CO2 reversal

CO2 reversal

Our innovative CO2 capture installation at the Inowrocław plant uses groundbreaking technology to efficiently recover carbon dioxide from the soda ash manufacturing process. The implemented solution not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions, but also saves money and ensures sustainable manufacturing. Thanks to this technology, developed in cooperation with the Institute of Fuels and Energy, we are reducing the carbon footprint of soda manufacturing.


CO2 reversal