Historic Acquisition by Polish Company in the US – Qemetica Enters Agreement to Acquire Silicas Products Business for USD 310 Million from American PPG


Qemetica has signed an agreement with American corporation PPG to purchase its silicas products business for near PLN 1.2 billion (USD 310 million). The Polish chemical group will acquire certain assets of PPG and an operating subsidiary of PPG, which results in the acquisition of two factories (in the US and the Netherlands) and in gaining the right to conduct manufacturing and R&D activities in two additional US locations. PPG’s silica products business manufactures and supplies precipitated silica products to major companies around the world as performance-enhancing additives. Precipitated silica is a raw material essential in the production of “green” tires, batteries, fillers, characterized by stable growth and positive outlook. The acquisition of the silica business will increase Qemetica group's revenue and EBITDA, as well as diversify the group's product range and geographical operations. This acquisition is one of the largest transactions of this type carried out by a Polish company in the US.

Historic Acquisition by Polish Company in the US – Qemetica Enters Agreement to Acquire Silicas Products Business for USD 310 Million from American PPG

The closing of the transaction contemplated by the agreement is expected to occur in the fourth quarter of 2024, subject to customary closing conditions (including approvals from antitrust authorities). The process of obtaining these approvals may take several months.
This transaction is part of Qemetica's broader growth strategy. This past spring, Qemetica identified potential acquisitions as a direction for strengthening the group and seeking new growth engines when announcing plans for 2024-2029.

"In preparing for growth through acquisition, we defined the criteria for entering into discussions with potential sellers. We were looking for a business in which we could add value, invest and grow, based in the US, with a 100% or controlling stake, extending our value chain. This transaction, meeting all the mentioned criteria, means that after finalizing and fully integrating the new business, we will be closer to achieving our strategic goals: to develop sources of growth other than soda ash, to achieve geographic and product diversification and to significantly expand our global footprint with revenues from new markets" says Kamil Majczak, CEO of Qemetica.

Qemetica's New, Eighth Business

The transaction includes PPG’s precipitated silicas manufacturing facilities in Lake Charles, Louisiana, and Delfzijl, The Netherlands.  In addition, QEMETICA will lease silicas manufacturing and research and development operations at PPG sites in Barberton, Ohio and Monroeville, Pennsylvania, respectively. The silicas products business is led by about 400 employees.  

The production and sale of precipitated silica will be Qemetica's eighth business. The new precipitated silica business will become the group's second-largest in terms of revenue. Within the group, each of the eight businesses operates independently, maintaining their individual responsibility for production, sales, and logistics of their own operations. Qemetica's strategy for 2024-2029 aims to increase the independence of each of the individual businesses.
Expanding the group's asset portfolio with a silica producer extends the value chain, as Qemetica is currently one of Europe's largest suppliers of silicates – a raw material necessary for silica production. At the same time, silicates are made from soda ash, of which Qemetica is one of the leading producers in the European Union.

The transaction is also an example of vertical integration, where one entity manages various stages of the production chain. As a result of this acquisition, Qemetica will be able to offer more specialized chemicals (precipitated silica) used by blue chip customers to manufacture end products such as modern “green” tires.

"Incorporating the acquired entity will allow us to diversify our product range and expand into new geographic markets. It will also be a step towards a more even distribution of revenue and profit sources within the Group. The precipitated silica business will become the second largest, and the share of revenue generated in North America will exceed 10%, while the share of revenue from Poland will drop below 40%. This is an important step in building a global chemical group with Polish roots," says Marcin Puziak, CFO of Qemetica.

In the preparation and execution of the transaction, Qemetica is supported by BNP Paribas, Bain & Company, Greenberg Traurig, as well as KPMG, Gide, ERM, and AON.

The Qemetica Group has so far operated in seven business areas: production of soda ash, evaporated salt, agricultural solutions, polyurethane foams, silicates and glass, as well as rail transport services. Qemetica has nine production plants in Poland and Germany, and distribution companies in the crop protection business in several European countries. It employs approximately 3,500 people.

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Qemetica becomes the third player in Europe and the second in North America in precipitated silica market

Qemetica becomes the third player in Europe and the second in North America in precipitated silica market


Qemetica has finalised the acquisition of the precipitated silica business from PPG for 1.2 billion zlotys (approximately $310 million) in one of the largest transactions ever carried out by a Polish company on the US market. Thus, Qemetica, the largest producer of, among other things, brewed salt in Poland and the largest supplier of sodium silicate in Europe, has acquired plants in the US and the Netherlands, thereby increasing revenues by more than one billion zlotys. At the same time, the Group becomes the third player in Europe and the second in North America in the market for precipitated silica, which is necessary, among other things, in the production of modern car tyres. American markets will generate revenues equivalent to nearly 800 million zlotys, thus increasing the geographical diversification of Qemetica’s operations. 

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Rising Operating Costs Necessitate Price Adjustments at Qemetica Salz

Rising Operating Costs Necessitate Price Adjustments at Qemetica Salz


Challenges from Rising Energy, Labor, and Logistics Costs Addressed with Sustainable Solutions

Rising production costs are challenging many companies, and Qemetica Salz Deutschland is no exception. As a leading manufacturer of vacuum salt in the European Union, Qemetica is committed to delivering top product quality, reliable deliveries, and sustainable production. To continue meeting these standards, a price adjustment for salt tablets will be implemented next year.

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Second reading of the Decarbonisation Index of the Polish Economy: companies unprepared to reduce carbon footprint, although perceived state support is growing

Second reading of the Decarbonisation Index of the Polish Economy: companies unprepared to reduce carbon footprint, although perceived state support is growing


In the first half of 2024, decarbonisation and environmental protection were of increasing importance in the activities of companies - this is the conclusion of the second reading of the Decarbonisation Index of the Polish Economy. The second reading of the Index shows a value of 61 points, where 50 points is neutral, above 50 is positive and below 50 is negative, and it is unchanged from the first reading for 2023. The second reading of the Index took into account responses from 111 Polish companies. 

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Qemetica Soda Polska invests in green energy - nearly PLN 100 million in support from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management for the conversion of a coal-fired boiler to a biomass one in Inowrocław

Qemetica Soda Polska invests in green energy - nearly PLN 100 million in support from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management for the conversion of a coal-fired boiler to a biomass one in Inowrocław


Qemetica Soda Polska, a company belonging to the Qemetica Group, has secured funding from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management for a project involving the conversion of an existing coal-fired boiler to a 100 per cent biomass-fired boiler at its Inowrocław plant. The NFOŚiGW support of nearly PLN 100 million represents the highest subsidy in Qemetika's history. The conversion of the coal-fired boiler to a biomass-fired boiler is one of the main elements of the company's strategy in the area of energy transformation and will allow the reduction of coal consumption by approximately 100,000 tonnes per year at the Inowrocław plant.

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David A. Schmidt new member of the Board of Qemetica S.A.

David A. Schmidt new member of the Board of Qemetica S.A.


David A. Schmidt joined the Management Board of Qemetica S.A. on the 2nd of September and will be responsible for the group's operations. The Management Board of Qemetica S.A. will operate with a three-member composition: Kamil Majczak, CEO, Marcin Puziak, CFO, and David Schmidt, COO.

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CIECH, and soon Qemetica, wants to reduce CO2 by 63% by 2033 – a new goal approved by the SBTi

CIECH, and soon Qemetica, wants to reduce CO2 by 63% by 2033 – a new goal approved by the SBTi


CIECH – and as of June Qemetica - has committed to reducing CO2 emissions from Scope 1 and Scope 2 by 63% by 2033 relative to the base year 2019, and has been successfully validated in the Science Based Targets (SBTi), an initiative supporting companies in setting their climate goals based on established scientific knowledge. The Group confirmed its goal in the SBTi as one of the first large industrial companies in Poland.

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CIECH Group will change its name to Qemetica in June.

CIECH Group will change its name to Qemetica in June.


In June, the name of the Qemetica Group companies will change. The abbreviation Qemetica will be replaced by the new name: Qemetica. The planned change is a further consistent step in the Group's chemical transformation after the investment holding Kulczyk Investments became a strategic investor 10 years ago, as well as a direct consequence of Kulczyk Investments taking full control of the Group and completing its listing on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in March this year. At the same time, Qemetica has set strategic goals for the next 6 years which, in addition to growth in financial performance, include the implementation of ambitious ESG-related plans, including a 45 percent reduction in CO2 emissions by 2029. Each of the group's seven businesses - Soda, Salt, Agro, Foams, Silicates, Packaging and Cargo - has specific business goals for 6 years.

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Prezes Zarządu CIECH S.A. na Chemicznym Otwarciu Roku Polskiej Izby Przemysłu Chemicznego

Prezes Zarządu CIECH S.A. na Chemicznym Otwarciu Roku Polskiej Izby Przemysłu Chemicznego


Dynamicznie zmieniająca się sytuacja polityczno-gospodarcza w Polsce i Unii Europejskiej, kluczowe wyzwania i zagrożenia dla branży chemicznej, a także trendy, kierunki rozwoju i szanse, które będą oddziaływać na przemysł chemiczny w Polsce – to tylko część z tematów poruszonych w trakcie Chemicznego Otwarcia Roku, w którym udział wziął Prezes Zarządu Qemetica S.A., Kamil Majczak. Podczas wydarzenia, zorganizowanego 11 marca 2024 r. przez Polską Izbę Przemysłu Chemicznego, w rozmowie z red. Barbarą Oksińską z Business Insider, opowiadał m.in. o transformacji energetycznej w Grupie Qemetica i wyzwaniach, którym musi stawić czoła cały sektor chemiczny.

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Announcement about the submission of an application to the Polish Financial Supervision Authority for permission to withdraw CIECH S.A. shares from trading on the regulated market operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange

Announcement about the submission of an application to the Polish Financial Supervision Authority for permission to withdraw CIECH S.A. shares from trading on the regulated market operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange


The Management Board of Qemetica S.A. informs that on November 24, 2023 the Company filed application to the Financial Supervision Authority for permission to withdraw Qemetica S.A. shares from trading on the regulated market operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange ("WSE"), pursuant to Article 91 Section 1 of the Act of July 29, 2005 on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organized Trading and Public Companies.

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Grupa CIECH z Polską Nagrodą Jakości 2023

Grupa CIECH z Polską Nagrodą Jakości 2023


Grupa Qemetica została wyróżniona diamentową statuetką w ramach 26. edycji Polskiej Nagrody Jakości 2023. Gala, podczas której wręczono nagrodę, odbyła się 12 grudnia br. w siedzibie Naczelnej Organizacji Technicznej w Warszawie. 

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CIECH Cargo: odznaczenia „Zasłużony dla Kolejnictwa”

CIECH Cargo: odznaczenia „Zasłużony dla Kolejnictwa”


Z okazji Dnia Kolejarza zasłużonym kolejarzom Qemetica Cargo nadano odznaczenia i odznaki honorowe „Zasłużony dla Kolejnictwa”. Po raz pierwszy w historii spółki na wniosek Prezesa Zarządu Andrzeja Pawłowskiego Minister Infrastruktury nadał je siedmiu pracownikom. 

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Zawiadomienie o złożeniu do Komisji Nadzoru Finansowego wniosku o udzielenie zezwolenia na wycofanie akcji Spółki CIECH S.A. z obrotu na rynku regulowanym prowadzonym przez Giełdę Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie.

Zawiadomienie o złożeniu do Komisji Nadzoru Finansowego wniosku o udzielenie zezwolenia na wycofanie akcji Spółki CIECH S.A. z obrotu na rynku regulowanym prowadzonym przez Giełdę Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie.


Zarząd Qemetica S.A. informuje, iż 24 listopada 2023 roku Spółka złożyła wniosek do Komisji Nadzoru Finansowego o udzielenie zezwolenia na wycofanie akcji Spółki Qemetica S.A. z obrotu na rynku regulowanym prowadzonym przez Giełdę Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A. w trybie art. 91 ust. 1 ustawy z dnia 29 lipca 2005 r. o ofercie publicznej i warunkach wprowadzania instrumentów finansowych do zorganizowanego systemu obrotu oraz o spółkach publicznych.

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Zawiadomienie o nabyciu akcji Spółki CIECH S.A.

Zawiadomienie o nabyciu akcji Spółki CIECH S.A.


Zarząd Ciech S.A. informuje, że 17 listopada 2023 r. otrzymał od akcjonariusza - KI Chemistry S.á r.l. z siedzibą w Luksemburgu oraz podmiotów dominujących względem akcjonariusza, tj. Pana Sebastiana Kulczyka, Luglio Limited oraz Kulczyk Investments S.A. - zawiadomienia o bezpośrednim nabyciu przez Akcjonariusza oraz pośrednim nabyciu przez podmioty dominujące, 2.409.045 akcji Spółki, co stanowi około 4,57% kapitału zakładowego Spółki.

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After three quarters of 2023, CIECH’s results under pressure of the global economic situation challenges. The Group’s salt business boosts revenues

After three quarters of 2023, CIECH’s results under pressure of the global economic situation challenges. The Group’s salt business boosts revenues


After nine months of 2023, the Qemetica Group generated PLN 34 million in net profit on continuing operations, i.e. 85% less than in the same period of 2022. Adjusted EBITDA decreased by 17% - to PLN 551 million year on year. The Group is achieving the best possible financial results in the continuing difficult conditions of weakened global economic situation. Due to, among others, the growing importance of the modern evaporated salt plant in Stassfurt, Germany, the Salt business improved its revenues by almost half - to PLN 376 million (from PLN 255 million, an increase of 47% year on year). Thanks to this, the Group maintained the results of the key Soda segment (Soda and Salt businesses), which generated PLN 457 million of EBITDA compared to PLN 476 million in the same period last year. Compared to last year, the economic situation in the markets where the Qemetica Group operates remains unfavourable. However, the Group actively responds to any market challenges, focusing on generating cash flows and optimising its investment expenses. The Group’s individual businesses are reducing their fixed costs while continuing key investments to ensure their development and competitiveness as well as the implementation of the ESG Strategy goals.

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Ogłoszenie przymusowego wykupu oraz zawieszenie obrotu akcjami CIECH S.A.

Ogłoszenie przymusowego wykupu oraz zawieszenie obrotu akcjami CIECH S.A.


Zarząd Ciech S.A. powziął informacje o zamiarze nabycia wszystkich akcji spółki przez jej akcjonariusza - KI Chemistry S.à r.l. z siedzibą w Luksemburgu w drodze przymusowego wykupu oraz o podjęciu przez zarząd Giełdy Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie uchwały w sprawie zawieszenia obrotu na Głównym Rynku GPW akcjami Spółki od 7 listopada 2023 roku. Zawieszenie obrotu akcjami Qemetica S.A. jest spowodowane przekazanym zawiadomieniem o zamiarze ogłoszenia przymusowego wykupu akcji Spółki. 

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Produkty biznesu solnego - AQUA PRO i Sól Kujawska - z nagrodami

Produkty biznesu solnego - AQUA PRO i Sól Kujawska - z nagrodami


AQUA PRO - marka tabletek solnych z portfolio biznesu solnego Grupy Qemetica, największego producenta soli warzonej w Polsce - zdobyła złoty Laur Konsumenta 2023, a Sól Kujawska została uhonorowana prestiżowym wyróżnieniem magazynu „Strefa Gospodarki” i otrzymała tytuł "Konsumencki Lider Jakości 2023 w kategorii "Sól spożywcza".

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CIECH and ORLEN Synthos Green Energy with an agreement regarding the analysis of the feasibility of implementing the SMR construction project

CIECH and ORLEN Synthos Green Energy with an agreement regarding the analysis of the feasibility of implementing the SMR construction project


Qemetica S.A. and ORLEN Synthos Green Energy have signed an agreement regarding the verification of the feasibility of implementing a modular nuclear power plant construction project. The purpose of the agreement is to establish the principles of cooperation in verifying variables related to the development of SMR in BWRX-300 reactor technology.

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CIECH Vitrosilicon with the title of Lubusz Business Leader – a prestigious distinction for its contribution to the economy of Lubusz Voivodeship

CIECH Vitrosilicon with the title of Lubusz Business Leader – a prestigious distinction for its contribution to the economy of Lubusz Voivodeship


Qemetica Vitrosilicon, one of the leading European producers and the sales leader of sodium silicates, took first place in the category of medium-sized enterprises during the 14th edition of the "Lubusz Business Leader" competition. This distinction is awarded to companies that particularly support the development of the region. On October 19th, during a ceremony at the Lubuski Theater in Zielona Góra, the awarded companies received commemorative statuettes and certificates from the Marshal of the Lubusz Voivodeship.

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CIECH Group at the World Soda Ash Conference in Athens: a fast track to sustainable soda production

CIECH Group at the World Soda Ash Conference in Athens: a fast track to sustainable soda production


Qemetica Group – the second-largest producer of soda ash and baking soda in the European Union, participated in the annual, largest conference for producers of these raw materials. The event, held in Athens from October 10 to 12, 2023, remains the most important gathering for both soda ash producers and buyers. During this year's edition, Kamil Majczak, the President of the Management Board of Qemetica S.A., presented the Group’s track for reducing the carbon footprint in production and discussed the implementation of CIECH's ambitious climate goals.

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CIECH's report among the best financial reports in the "The Best Annual Report 2022" competition

CIECH's report among the best financial reports in the "The Best Annual Report 2022" competition


The jury of the 18th edition of the prestigious competition "The Best Annual Report" recognized Qemetica S.A.'s report for the year 2022 as one of the best in the "Enterprises" category, awarding it the third main prize. The competition organized by the Institute of Accounting and Taxes aims to promote annual reports with the highest utility value for investors and shareholders, prepared by companies listed on the Stock Exchange. This year's award goes to the Qemetica S.A. team for the eighth time in the entire history of the prestigious competition.

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CIECH Soda Polska awarded in the "Employee-Friendly Employer" competition – the award ceremony was held with the participation of the President of the Republic of Poland

CIECH Soda Polska awarded in the "Employee-Friendly Employer" competition – the award ceremony was held with the participation of the President of the Republic of Poland


On October 10, 2023, Qemetica Soda Polska, the largest producer of soda ash in Poland, Central, and Eastern Europe, as well as a leading producer of evaporated salt in Poland, was honored with the prestigious "Employee-Friendly Employer" award in the 15th edition of the competition. The distinction was presented by Andrzej Duda, President of the Republic of Poland, during a ceremony at the Presidential Palace. The competition was organized by the NSZZ "Solidarity" under the honorary patronage of the Head of State.

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CIECH published its results after the first half of 2023, the Group invests in development and greater competitiveness during the global economic downturn

CIECH published its results after the first half of 2023, the Group invests in development and greater competitiveness during the global economic downturn


In the first half of 2023, Qemetica Group generated PLN 2,917 billion in revenue, which is 18 percent higher than in the corresponding period of the previous year. The company reported an adjusted EBITDA result of PLN 365 million, indicating a decrease of 15 percent year-on-year, and recorded a net loss of PLN 17 million. After a record-breaking 2022, the second quarter of the current year was a continuation of the period of deteriorating economic situation, reflected in low demand for Qemetica Group's products. Nevertheless, Qemetica maintains the fulfillment of its forecast, according to which the (adj.) EBITDA result for 2023 is expected to be PLN 860-920 million. The Group remains committed to investments that aim to ensure its further development and greater competitiveness in a demanding market.

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Tomasz Molenda na podium konkursu „Menedżer Roku Województwa Kujawsko-Pomorskiego 2022”

Tomasz Molenda na podium konkursu „Menedżer Roku Województwa Kujawsko-Pomorskiego 2022”


Tomasz Molenda — Prezes Zarządu Qemetica Soda Polska — zajął trzecie miejsce  w konkursie „Menedżer Roku Województwa Kujawsko-Pomorskiego 2022” w kategorii „Duża Firma”. Konkurs zorganizowały redakcje „Expressu Bydgoskiego”, „Gazety Pomorskiej” i „Nowości Dziennika Toruńskiego”. 

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Walne Zgromadzenie CIECH S.A.: ponad 382 mln zł dywidendy dla akcjonariuszy z zysku za rok 2022

Walne Zgromadzenie CIECH S.A.: ponad 382 mln zł dywidendy dla akcjonariuszy z zysku za rok 2022


Zwyczajne Walne Zgromadzenie Qemetica S.A. zdecydowało o wypłacie dywidendy z zysku netto za rok 2022 w wys. 5,75 zł na 1 akcję, co - uwzględniając zaliczkę wypłaconą w grudniu ubiegłego roku – daje łącznie 7,25 zł na akcję. To ponad 382 mln zł, czyli blisko 70 proc. z zysku netto za rok 2022, który wyniósł 565 mln zł.

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Informacja dotycząca decyzji o zakończeniu przyjmowania ofert sprzedaży akcji CIECH S.A. w odpowiedzi na zaproszenie do składania ofert sprzedaży akcji CIECH S.A.

Informacja dotycząca decyzji o zakończeniu przyjmowania ofert sprzedaży akcji CIECH S.A. w odpowiedzi na zaproszenie do składania ofert sprzedaży akcji CIECH S.A.


W związku z uzyskaniem przez KI Chemistry S.à r.l. informacji o wpłynięciu ofert sprzedaży akcji Qemetica S.A. w odpowiedzi na zaproszenie do składania ofert sprzedaży akcji Qemetica S.A. poniżej publikujemy:

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CIECH Fest at the OSiR stadium in Inowrocław – nearly 2.5 thousand people at a family picnic for employees and their relatives from CIECH companies in the Kujawy region

CIECH Fest at the OSiR stadium in Inowrocław – nearly 2.5 thousand people at a family picnic for employees and their relatives from CIECH companies in the Kujawy region


Music, fun, free preventive health screenings, delicious food, and plenty of attractions and games with prizes, including those from EEW – nearly 2.5 thousand people participated in the Qemetica Fest family picnic on Saturday, June 17. This was the third outdoor gathering for employees and their relatives from Qemetica companies in the Kujawy region. All attractions and zones within the picnic were unlimited, free, and available to every participant. The event took place at the OSiR Stadium in Inowrocław, located at 93 D. Rakowicza Street, in the immediate vicinity of the Qemetica Soda Polska production plant.

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Informacja dotycząca ogłoszonego zaproszenia do składania ofert sprzedaży akcji CIECH S.A.

Informacja dotycząca ogłoszonego zaproszenia do składania ofert sprzedaży akcji CIECH S.A.


W związku z opublikowaniem przez KI Chemistry S.a r.l. zaproszenia do składania ofert sprzedaży akcji Qemetica S.A. poniżej publikujemy:

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The CIECH Group at the jubilee 10th Polish Chemistry Congress with the prestigious title of Ambassador of Polish Chemistry

The CIECH Group at the jubilee 10th Polish Chemistry Congress with the prestigious title of Ambassador of Polish Chemistry


The Qemetica Group actively participated in the jubilee 10th Polish Chemistry Congress, which took place on June 13th and 14th at the Lublin Conference Center. The event, themed "Development – Sustainability – Future," has been organized by the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry and remains crucial for the chemical industry in Poland for the past decade. This year, nearly 400 experts from the fields of science, business, industry organizations, and politics from Poland and Europe, including representatives from Qemetica, gathered in Lublin. The Group was also honored with the title of Ambassador of Polish Chemistry for its significant contribution to the development of the chemical industry and its commitment to sustainable growth and the future of the sector.

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CIECH Starter – rusza trzecia edycja letniego programu stażowego w Grupie CIECH

CIECH Starter – rusza trzecia edycja letniego programu stażowego w Grupie CIECH


Rusza kolejna edycja Qemetica Starter – letniego programu stażowego organizowanego w ramach Grupy Qemetica. Mogą wziąć w nim udział studentki i studenci  ostatnich lat studiów lub świeżo upieczeni absolwenci, chcący zdobyć doświadczenie zawodowe i uczyć się od najlepszych specjalistów m.in. w obszarach transformacji biznesowej, IT, zakupów, księgowości i wielu innych. Skuteczność dotychczasowych edycji Qemetica Starter potwierdzają dane - w poprzednich edycjach programu wzięło udział łącznie ponad 30 stażystów i stażystek, z których część nawiązała współpracę z Qemetica bezpośrednio po zakończeniu stażu, a kolejni po kilku miesiącach od jego ukończenia. Nabór do tegorocznej edycji potrwa do 9 czerwca br.

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The CIECH Group: EBITDA result in the first quarter of 2023 at a similar level to the previous year despite a weakening macroeconomic environment

The CIECH Group: EBITDA result in the first quarter of 2023 at a similar level to the previous year despite a weakening macroeconomic environment


In the first quarter of 2023, the Qemetica Group generated PLN 217 million of (adj.) EBITDA, representing a five percent decrease compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. At the same time, it was the fifth consecutive quarter when consolidated EBITDA was twice the amount of capital expenditures. The debt of the Group and available cash remained at a safe level. The first quarter of the current year showed a reversal in market trends due to the deteriorating macroeconomic situation, resulting in a decrease in the margin. In the face of economic slowdown, the Qemetica Group has a diversified and flexibly managed business portfolio. As assessed by the company, the (adj.) EBITDA result for 2023 may amount to PLN 860-920 million, entailing the achievement of the strategic goals for the years 2022-2024.

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Kamil Majczak appointed as the President of the Management Board of CIECH S.A., Marcin Puziak assumed the position of a new CFO; outgoing Members of the Management Board join the Board of Kulczyk Investments

Kamil Majczak appointed as the President of the Management Board of CIECH S.A., Marcin Puziak assumed the position of a new CFO; outgoing Members of the Management Board join the Board of Kulczyk Investments


On 25 May, Kamil Majczak, a Member of the Management Board of Qemetica S.A., was appointed its President by the Supervisory Board of the company. Simultaneously, Marcin Puziak, the Controlling Director, assumed the position of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) as a Member of the Management Board. The President of the Management Board of Qemetica S.A., Dawid Jakubowicz, and a Member of the Management Board responsible for Financial Affairs, Jarosław Romanowski, resigned on Thursday due to their planned positions in the Management Board of Kulczyk Investments – an indirectly controlling company of Qemetica S.A.

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